Whole Coaching was a dream job come true for Dr. Mary Crowson and Dr. Tammy Than to combine decades of experience and their passion for encouraging others by helping their clients to become whole, healthy and happy through nutrition, fitness and life coaching. Their successful coaching has inspired clients to move from ordinary to extraordinary: one client has moved from Couch to 5K to Half Marathon and another, an insulin-dependent diabetic, had his M.D. remove that diagnosis. In their spare time, Tammy and Mary love to run, hike, walk and bike and look forward to racing again in 2021!
At Women 4 Women they are excited to share keys to success with exercise, nutrition and goal setting. The program will include tips on whole-food plant-based cooking with samples (can you say chocolate?) and recipes! It will be interactive and information-packed -- for more on Whole Coaching, including full bios for the Coaches, explore their website!